Kevin Davis shares an exciting and topical presentation on how we as Christians should be responding to Islam.
Not Reacting but Responding to Islam
Kevin reveals some of the historical background of Islam, and how the Koran points to the person of Jesus Christ. He encourages us to love and pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters all around the world so that we can make a difference, and he shares exciting and up to date information on how the Spirit is moving among Islamic populations across the world drawing them to Jesus.
Across the Western world, people are reacting to the threat of Islamic militants with fear from the common man in the street right through to the highest level of government. So how should Christians be responding to Islam, and how should we as a church extend our love to Muslims around the world?
The truth is that most Muslims are not terrorists, and they are not actively seeking the demise of Christian churches. Most Muslims are just like you or me... wanting to live a great and productive life, caring for their families and striving to live at peace with those around them. The trouble is that the militant arm of Islam is giving every other Muslim a bad name!
And in the middle of all this, God is doing incredible things amongst Muslims. As Christians, we must choose the right and godly way of responding to Islam, with a message of love and hope rather than fear and condemnation. Kevin encourages all those who know the Lord to pray for Muslim countries and pray that they are not only blessed but also that Muslims will seek to know the one to whom there are nearly 90n references in the Koran, Jesus Christ.
This incredibly insightful and topical message, a must for every believer who loves the Lord and wants to see the world won for Christ, really got us excited at Ignite!
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